We are slowly adapting to being home and learning all the ropes.
The most challenging was mastering the morning shower. But after a few trials and errors it seems we found a way that works.
Our house feels more like Grand Central Station, with people in and out all the time.
Home Care Service started the week we came home. We have a nurse, a physical therapist, an occupational therapist and a speech therapist. Each one of them come about 3 times a week. I like them and Bob is working well with them too.And he is working well with me too, whenever we have some time.
Bob continues to work hard at this therapy and still in good spirits.
Although we have a wheel chair on the ground floor, one on the first floor, and one on the second floor, he mostly walks using his hemi-walker (a walker for one hand only), and with me guarding him just in case. He wears a gait belt (I hold this belt from the back while he walks) and splint to hold his right arm to prevent it for hanging down too much and damaging the shoulder.
Ours friends Bruce and Simone came on our first Tuesday at home bringing pizza and salad and joined us for dinner. Bob had a little bit of wine with dinner for the first time in a long time....
The next day, Wednesday, we had a visit from Achilles and his son Henrique (our godchild). It was nice having them here for these 5 days, and to see how big and gorgeous Henrique is. We went for walks together, and as you can see, Bobby did not need to use his wheelchair (we took it just in case), and walked all the way from the house to the mail box and back.
Unfortunately, on the first Saturday home, he had a fall. I was not holding him from the front as he was going down the step to the den, and he lost his balance and I could not control him. And down he went. He hurt his face with the glasses frame, but other than that he was fine. I, on the other hand, was a mess, crying a lot! I could not lift him by myself and had to call 911. They came very quickly, picked him up, established that all was well and that he did not need stitches on the face.
Bobby got to meed Olivia for the first time.
But, when Malu and Jason were leaving, Bob, who was upstairs alone while we were saying our good byes, sitting on the wheel chair, fell again. We think he must have been trying to reach for this glasses that were on the bedside table and perhaps the wheel chair tipped over. This time nothing happened, and Achilles and Jason were able to lift him up.
I finally found a guy to come and stay with Bob for a few hours a week (3 hours 2 times a week) so that I can take time for myself. He started last Tuesday. I am slowly building the confidence to leave him alone with Bob for the 3 hours. On Tuesday I stayed home and trained him, but on Thursday I left for about 1 of the 3 hours and the other 2 just stayed doing my things and left him in charge.
My friend Brenda once again showed what a great friend she is. On Tuesday, she brought us dinner. A delicious shrimp dish.
Zoe turned 6 on Thursday, and they all came here for dinner on Friday to celebrate with us. They brought dinner from a nearby Italian restaurant, and I had an ice cream cake for dessert.
Yesterday I took Bobby for a very needed haircut. I took the opportunity to have a hair cut myself too.
Today we visited the Rodriguez for the first time. We stopped at Paneras to get lunch, and headed their way. Jason played the role of handrail. Bob climbed the side steps and walked up the grass area towards the backyard like a pro. It was good being able to do that and lovely to be with them. I was able to play with Zoe and Nico and to hold Olivia and Bob blew bubbles with the kids outside.
Tomorrow our friends Sally and Roger come for a visit again. We are looking forward to having them here again.
So we go on...One day at a time, working hard.
Thanks for reading and for all the support.
I'm sending you both great big hugs!